Friday, November 17, 2017

Big day!!

As we start this day for this page.... we hit a big milestone today!!
We have reached over a thousand page views 4 the Misty's keychains Facebook page
Feeling... very grateful for all the love and support and can't wait to see what happens as the days and years go by
Thank you

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Hey friends!!

Hey friends at this time we are really in need of donations we are out of a lot of things and in need of a lot of things I'm going to post the donation list and... the Amazon wish list so if you're up for making a donation go ahead and do so and send it to the address that is on the website or the Facebook page itself
Thank you for taking the time to read this message and taking the time to make a donation if you do so.... every donation is greatly appreciated and helps make this possible
Thank you